Dear students, dear visitors,
We are delighted that you have visited our chair's homepage. We have designed it in such a way that you will hopefully find all the information you are looking for. If you have any questions or specific concerns, simply contact us personally. We are here for you and highly motivated to support you. You can find our contact details here.
Best regards on behalf of the entire chair team,
Prof. Dr. Margret Borchert
Breaking News:
- Sitzplatzliste Klausur "Grundlagen des Personalmanagements" am 11.02.202505.02.25
- Achtung: Rücknahme der Verschiebung der Vorlesung Vergütung und Leistungsanreize23.01.25
- Information zur Klausureinsicht für Klausuren des WS 2024/202519.12.24
- Forschungsseminar "Performance Management and Leadership" zum Thema "KI-gestütztes Forschen im Rahmen von Performance Management and Leadership"17.12.24
- Informationen zum Bachelorseminar Personalmanagement im SoSe 202517.12.24